100 bus
In the context of BIP2020 / Biennale de l’Image Possible, the Musée en plein air du Sart Tilman proposes an intervention by Belgian photographer David Widart in 100 buses circulating in the city centre of Liège and at the Sart Tilman.
For each bus, the artist places a poster inside the bus with a portrait and a short text on the outside. The posters consist either of a small-format photograph glued and captioned by hand or a text calligraphed by the artist.
Far from the spectacular style of the advertising posters usually found in public transport, the form of the proposal will not fail to provoke passengers to question the status of the image facing them.
David Widart
Since the beginning of his career David Widart has been photographing people he meets in his daily life or on his travels, whether he knows them or not. For him, photography is first and foremost a pretext to create an encounter. Over time, the artist has accumulated and organised, notably on his website, an impressive series of photographs. For him, his images and notes are above all the constituent units of a personal database.
In addition to the work of photography, the photographer places particular importance on the means of showing the images, producing unique installations, strongly influenced by their context. Depending on the situation, Widart can, for example, use pinned photocopies on the wall or framed luxury prints, project his images onto different surfaces or, as here, invest public space with a hybrid format. In the end, this shows that the photographer’s interest in the installation and the context of the images is at least as strong as in the images themselves.
The posters can be seen in and on 100 accordion buses, mainly on lines 1, 4 and 48 circulating in Liège from 16 September to 15 October 2020.
To see the posters inside the buses, a valid transport ticket is required (www.infotec.be).
Inauguration on 18 September at 17:30 at the Musée en plein air (Pavillon d’accueil – Bât. B1), on the Simone David-Constant roundabout (in conjunction with the inauguration of the Prix de la Jeune Sculpture).
Reservation is required for the inauguration: please send an email to musee.pleinair@uliege.be
Part of BIP2020,
in collaboration with TEC Liège-Verviers,
with the support of the Province of Liège and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.